Part # KPP7207


Product Info

1986-1987 Turbo Regal -


This is an exact reproduction of the factory two-way vacuum check valve.

Three different size vacuum lines attach to this check valve. It is located in the back of the engine, slightly towards the driver's side, near to where the ground straps are secured to the firewall.

The bottom line of this two-way vacuum check valve goes to the EGR assembly. The middle line goes off to the driver's side and attaches to the vacuum tank under the driver's side fender. The upright outlet goes to a factory elbow connector and goes to the heater/vent air conditioning unit located on the passenger's side of the engine compartment.

Because of age and heat, whenever you replace any of the vacuum lines that attach to this unique two-way check valve, chances are this plastic two-way check valve will crack or break.

This is another unique item to have on hand for whenever you need to replace any or all of the attaching vacuum lines to this two-way vacuum check valve.

Another excellent replacement part.

7207 1986-1987 Turbo Regal - Reproduction Two-Way Vacuum Check Valve

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