Part # KPP7698


Product Info
ALL GM (Including Buick Turbo Regal) - GM BRAKE DRUM HARDWARE (26) KIT Here is an inexpensive kit that includes everything you need when you replace the rear brake shoes. This kit has everything you need for both rear brake drums. In many cases, due to age you may break some of the springs when you go to remove them to replace the brake shoes. This kit will virtually fit any GM car that has rear drum brakes, including all the Buick Turbo Regals. NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #7218 Stainless Braided Brake Hoses (3) Kit, #7459 Reproduction Complete Brake Lines (7) Kit, #7189 Reproduction Brake Proportioning Valve. An excellent replacement item for any brake restoration. 7698 - All GM (Including Buick Turbo Regal) - GM Brake Drum Hardware (26) Kit

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