Greetings Turbo Regal Inner Circle Members 07-27-2016 -
Here are our two contest winners with the number of codes on their SPID labels.
On the low end of codes on the SPID label, the winner is Bill Furst with a mere 50 codes total. Ironically he owns a 1987 white Turbo-T like we do! As we mentioned earlier, our car has 52 codes.
At the high end of the number of codes, coming in at an even 100, is Kelly Morrison in Canada. He hit the jackpot when he specifically ordered a 1986 Grand National to have every possible option. The previous year he had a 1985 Grand National, which he quickly traded in when he found out the 1986 was going to be intercooled. He took a $4,000 hit at trade-in time.
We heard from several owners that had codes numbering in the 90s but only 1 that hit the triple digits.
Based on this small sampling, it’s reasonable to assume that if your Turbo Regal has 95 or more codes, it is pretty rare.
Going in the other direction, it’s a good bet if your SPID label contains less than 55 codes, it is also pretty rare.
Congrats to both Bill Furst and Kelly Morrison on your wise purchase.
About a week ago I attended the Chryslers at Carlisle event. While there was a tremendous showing of the late-model Challengers, the real money cars were the mid-to-late 60s with very few options. They usually had the dog dish hubcaps on steel wheels, radio delete plates, vinyl bench front seat, and a small four-letter metal emblem on the fenders that said “Hemi 426.” It is void of options but packed a Hemi.
Years ago I restored and drove a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner. It had very few options. It had a green exterior and green interior, vinyl bench seat, four speed, thumb wheel am radio, crank windows, and no air conditioning. It was very cheap to restore back in the late 1970s.
We have been contacted by a lady who recently lost her husband. He was a collector of various high performance Mustang/Shelby cars and parts. He was extremely well organized and has all the documents, receipts for everything he acquired over a long period of time.
Notably he was the third owner of a 1968 Mustang GT 500 KR car. Another example is a 1971 Mach One that he purchased brand new, which needs to be restored.
He also purchased 2008 Shelby GT500 convertible and now has a mere 3,200 miles on it. This car alone has $18,000 worth of extras he bought, most of which have not been installed on the car. The amount of parts and equipment is impressive. The Window Sticker shows he paid $77,000 for the car alone, which included a $25,000 Adjusted Market Value tacked on.
It’s amazing that he kept all the receipts and various records to prove everything.
Some of the equipment, such as an Eastwood welder and 6 hp compressor, are still brand new in the wrapper. Two huge tool boxes of tools are like brand new. Various air tools, floor jacks, engine stand Backyard Buddy is part of the vast collection. The Backyard Buddy has never been used or even assembled.
There is also a 427 FE aluminum block direct from Carroll Shelby with the receipt from summer of 2007. The receipt for this alone with a few extras is just over $6,000.
In several display cases are 35 various diecast Fords, some of which are extremely rare. All the original boxes for the diecast cars have been carefully saved. There are several shelves of car magazines and manuals.
I was amazed at the amount of items tucked into this small garage and shed. Every part is noted in books, when it was removed or what car it is for. The attention to detail just boggles the mind.
She currently has one company has been made aware of this rare stash of Ford Shelby cars and parts.
The crown jewel of this collection of cars and parts is, of course, the 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR car that is very solid and needs to be restored and assembled. It has a 427 block in it and comes with the original block. She has all the documents going back to the original owner and it is registered with the Shelby Registration Club. It is the real deal. The car is a black-on-black hardtop 4 speed combination. I don’t claim to be an expert on Shelby or Ford but I know enough that these items and cars have great value. I did see at least two dual quad setups among the extra parts.
PHOTO 1 - The top left photo shows the 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR front end. The top right photo shows a portion of the back end of the car. The lower left shows one of the original wheels. The lower right photo shows the 2008 Shelby GT 500 convertible. This car has less than 3,500 actual miles on it.
If you know of a big time Ford Shelby collector, have them email me - - so I can provide them with more details.
The Old Cars Price Guide is printed six times a year. At the end of the year they publish an 800-plus page book that covers all the vehicles through 2007 or 2008.
The issues that they publish every other month are a condensed version. The latest issue is the first one to cover the 1987 models. I believe prior issues only went up to 1986.
Years ago I was contacted by Old Cars to give some input on the Prices of the Turbo Regals. I was instrumental in getting them to have a category for the 1987 Turbo Limited models. Prior to this it was not recognized as a separate category. So, for the 1987 they do list values for the Turbo Limited models. Unfortunately, the WE4 probably is not listed as a separate category.
Like any price guide it’s only a guide. Ratings go from #1 (meaning excellent) to #6 (meaning a parts car.)
Based on my experience if you read Craigs List, any car advertised as being excellent usually falls short!
Perhaps more than any other industry the truth is stretched when marketing used cars by the public! We have all made those wasted trips to look at them!
PHOTO 2 - We show the latest Old Car Report Price Guide available now at major news stands. The second photo shows the page on how they determine values #1 through #6. Very few cars will rate a number 1 classification unless the car has won some top honors at a national level. If I had to grade our 1987 Turbo-T, it would fall between #2 and a high #3. I believe most people that have seen the car would agree.
As I write this, we are almost out of 2 of the 3 sizes on the $4 Top Ten Reasons Grand National T- shirts. See New Products for more details.
Remember, you must call our office between 9 and 4:30 to place your order if you want to include any of the $4 Top Ten Reason T-shirts that has the design on the back - 215-766-1611 x 0.
Next week we will probably list exactly what we have left. The $4 T-shirts are not advertised on our website since supplies will soon be gone. If you have T shirts on order you can expect to receive them any day now.
See the New Products section in this Inner Circle as we now 1984-1985 Alternators ready to sell.
Our brand new 1984-1985 Turbo Regal alternators put out 120 amps not 94. Because the 1985 falls into a grey area, it’s important you look at your alternator to see if it looks like the 1984 or if it looks like the 1986-1987 Turbo Regal format. Whichever you have, we offer both and the pricing is the same.
Over the years someone could have installed an aftermarket radio in your Turbo Regal, which was a popular thing to do.
With the CD format being available in the 1990s, many owners would have a radio shop install one of these units. I know this from firsthand experience with some of the Turbo Regals we bought and sold in the 1990s. I always made an effort to put back the stock radio.
Unfortunately, at the time in many cases installers didn’t install just a plug-and-play harness. They simply would cut off the factory connectors and splice the needed wires to make the new radio work. Actually someone had cut the factory plug ends off the radio wires for an aftermarket radio our personal Turbo-T. The style of plugs that were on the factory harness was generally not used after 1987 in any of the GM cars. So they are not easy to find today.
PHOTO 3 - Shows the 3 factory correct plugs that need to be on your car’s factory radio harness to plug into the correct 1984-1987 Buick radio. On the right we show the other single black plug that is needed as well. Each of the black-white-blue plugs is designed to fit specifically into a specific slot on the back of the factory radio. The other small black plug attaches to a separate wire that exits the back of the radio. You can splice these into your wires if you needed them by simply matching up the colors of each wire. This involves 11 wires for the main 3 plugs. I sell a lot of these plug ends to another company. I have a few in stock as well. You can email me direct - - if you need a set.
I hope to have pricing and samples for the next Inner Circle. These brackets are unique to the G-body cars and not used on any other GM models, from what I can tell.
NOTE - If you purchase one of my radios, we will give you a special price on the new reproduction radio brackets that we are having made.
We still need to see more GNX SPID labels. I need to know if they show a J41 or J42 code or neither code.
Also VD6 and VD7 codes for aluminum bumper supports.
If no code is indicated for the bumper supports, does your GNX have aluminum supports front and in the rear?
Early indications seem to point to the fact GM was not that accurate with the SPID codes on the label. I have now seen several SPID labels that show neither a J41 or J42 code, which refers to steel or aluminum rear brake drums on Turbo Regals. This includes one Grand National with 100 SPID codes, yet lists no code for indicating steel or aluminum brake drums (J41 or J42). With that said, check out your car’s SPID label and see if you have a J41 or J42 code. Email me your findings -
Last week we mentioned that today less than 1% of the total new car production had a fixed steering column. I also mentioned out of about 317 Turbo Regals we sold, at most we only had 3 or 4 that had a fixed steering column.
In re-reading that sentence I realized that of 317 Turbo Regals I had maybe 3 or 4 with the no-tilt feature, which works out to about 1% for the 1986-1987 Turbo Regals.
One of the most asked questions I get by email or phone call is owners wanting to try and figure out how rare their car is the way it is equipped. Unfortunately, unlike the Corvettes, there is no real exact set of records to determine the various options and how many were built.
I confess I never paid attention to it when I was buying and selling them. In looking back though, it’s pretty safe to assume a 1984-1987 Turbo Regal with no tilt option is very rare. It would probably be even more rare on a column shift Turbo car such as the Limited model. Based on my review, I would say 1% received a non-tilt column.
The Limited model was basically an upgraded model to start with. Dealers make more profit the more features or options the buyer could be convinced to add on to their purchase. A bare bones Turbo Regal is not what dealers would be pushing you to buy.
PHOTO 4 - I was digging through some of my old photos and found the photo on the left of the award winning brown 1987 Turbo-T I sold that was a winner one year at the GS Nationals from what I recall. This is the car I sold to the person that ran the shop that made our GTO radiator shrouds years earlier. The photo on the right is quite unique as it shows the interior of a Limited we had and on the door panel. You can clearly see a window crank rather than a power window switch. Crank windows would be extremely rare in a Limited Turbo-T Regal. I would venture a guess and say that would fall into the 1% category. Going by memory, I don’t think I had more than one.
I have been told the Harrisburg Mecum Auction this past week featured the most Turbo Regals Mecum has ever had at one auction. I believe that number was 6.
According to one of my customers that attended this event, a 1987 Grand National with 250 actual miles was bid to $90,000 but did not meet the reserve.
Another one that did sell had 2,900 actual miles and was signed by Molly. That indicates it was at one of our two events that Molly attended and possibly may have been one of the Grand Nationals I sold. This one sold for $46,000, according to my customer who witnessed it.
A 1986 Grand National that was built by Lingenfelter was bid to $38,000 but did not sell. My source says this car looked like it had been sitting in a barn for the last 10 years.
I am sure all the results will be posted on Mecum’s website at some point soon.
I did see some of this auction on cable and was surprised at the number of late-model Mercedes Benz cars that went through. These cars seem to take a real hit in values after just a few years of gentle use!
See the photo on the right in Photo 2 in 7-13-2016 Inner Circle. It is these original AC Delco mass air flow sensor cores that we badly need.
Cardone does not have any of them in their supply of cores. We need these original cores to meet the needs of other customers.
If you have any original sensors with the plug pointing downward like in that photo, we will give you a Letter of Credit for $40 against any of our website parts.
The cheaper way to ship is by Mail.
MAILING ADDRESS - Kirban Performance, PO Box 1199, Plumsteadville, Pa 18949 with your Name, Address and Phone Number.
UPS ADDRESS - Kirban Performance, 6201 Kellers Church Road, Plumsteadville, Pa 18949 with your Name, Address and Phone Number.
Help us help others. Otherwise we will be forced to discontinue this service for our customers. To my knowledge, no one has reproduced it as of yet. It would require the blessing from GM since it has the AC Delco wording on it.
I am still waiting for word from Cardone as to when I can expect to have more aluminum brake drums available. If you wish a set from the next shipment, contact our office - 215-766-1611 x 0. We would not charge your credit card until we have them in stock. The price is $234.95 plus shipping.
We have a limited number of a 35-page booklet that includes much of the background history of the GNX going back to July 1986.
If you are interested, you must email me personally - - for more info and pricing.
Here is the information on our credits for cores.
We currently need original good 1986-1987 AC Delco mass air flow sensors. We allow $40 Letter of Credit for each correct AC Delco core.
URGENT NEED - TURBO CORES must be the 1986-1987 Turbo Regal stock turbo. They must be complete. We will issue you a $100 Letter of Credit for each acceptable core.
If you ship to us, the post office is the cheapest method. Pack the item(s) with a note with your name, address and phone number.
MAIL - Ship to Address -
PO BOX 1199
UPS - Ship to Address -
6201 Kellers Church Road
If you need technical information, it’s best to email - rather than call us.
We will do our best to answer any technical questions within 24 hours.
From time to time, whenever we spot an unusual or an exceptional car or truck for sale, or one we have for sale, we will put a blurb in our weekly Inner Circle. Also, any cars that our customers have for sale will be featured here and you can see their car with photos on our website. In this category, we will run the descriptions for two-to-three weeks and, if there is no interest in that particular vehicle, it will be deleted the following week. If any of these vehicles perk your interest, email me personally - - for more information and photos.
If you have a tip or a discovery that you found that works on your Turbo Regal, drop us an email giving us the details so we can pass the info on to our readers. Remember, even with my knowledge, I don’t know it all. Simply email me at -
1984-1985 Turbo Regal -
Pre-tested with Limited Lifetime Warranty
Our research has shown that very few companies offer a 100% brand new, correct-appearing alternator for the 1984-1985 Turbo Regals.
The original 1984 Turbo Regal alternator had 94 amps. It has a single pulley format with a different fan than the later Turbo Regal alternators (see upper photo.) It is possible some 1985 Turbo Regals used the 1984-style alternator as well.
If you have a 1985 Turbo Regal you need to determine if you have a 2-prong plug (shown on the left) or a 4-pin format (shown on the right.) You would also have a 6 groove pulley and a different style fan on the front.
If you have the 4-pin format, see part #7315. The one you need is part #7315 or #7316, which is a 200 amp.
Our supplier who builds all our alternators is able to modify these to produce 120 amps instead of the original 94 amps. He also uses heavy-duty diodes in his alternators. All the parts are brand new and look as close to factory original as possible. These improvements make this alternator far superior than any auto store version.
Working closely with a local source, we can assure quality control. Each alternator is hand assembled, pre-tested and comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
The pulley itself is used, but is factory original so it has the proper diameter and groove. All of the other external parts (including the housing) and internal parts are brand new. The housing on this unit does not have any factory stampings. Since each alternator is pre-tested, you can be assured it is producing a minimum of 120 amps.
The proper amps and charging is a critical function to assure the electronics are getting the proper volts to the complete electrical system. Some of you may be running additional fuel pumps and this makes this even more important.
No core is required, so you can retain the original alternator.
It’s always better to buy brand new versus used or rebuilt, especially if it’s a car you plan to keep.
NOTE - You may also be interested in a related item - #7315 - 1986-1987 Turbo Regal & 1989 Turbo Trans Am Brand New 120 amp Alternator or #7316 -1986-1987 Turbo Regal and 1989 Turbo Trans Am Brand New Custom-Built 200 amp Alternator.
While other alternators may be cheaper, ours are 100% correct looking.
An excellent replacement for any engine restoration.
NOTE - If you own a 1985 Turbo Regal, be SURE to determine if you need this #7705 2-prone alternator or the 4-pin format, part #7315 or part #7316.
7705 - 1984-1985 Turbo Regal -
Brand New 120 amp Alternator, Pre-tested with Limited Lifetime Warranty - $174.95
Here is a link to this alternator on our website:
For the many Turbo Regal enthusiasts out there, we now carry this handsome “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-shirt.
We only stock the three most popular sizes - LARGE, X LARGE and XX LARGE.
The high-quality ash gray T-shirt is pre-shrunk 1% polyester and 99% heavy-weight cotton.
The sharp 5-color design features our Buick mechanic cartoon along with these related reasons to own a Grand National silkscreened on the front.
# 1 - I was impressed with the factory black paint job.
# 2 - I love the constant challenge of trying to eliminate oil leaks.
# 3 - I wonder where the "power" is in the operation of the power windows.
# 4 - My wife says I needed a spending outlet for my money.
# 5 - I can buy tires wholesale.
# 6 - I was told these cars are seldom stolen.
# 7 - My joy of buying a T-Top Grand National was quickly shattered during the first rain storm.
# 8 - I wanted to learn all about the powermaster brake system.
# 9 - “B-B-B-BAD-TO-THE-BONE” sounds good on the radio.
#10 - The uninformed think it’s a Monte Carlo...the informed won't challenge me to race.
T-shirt makes a great statement at a car show, and also makes a great gift for that Turbo enthusiast or for your mechanic.
NOTE - You may also be interested in this related sign - #7726 - “TOP TEN REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” 17.5″ x 10″ 1/8″ Acrylic Sign.
7671-L - “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-Shirt - size LARGE - $15.95
7672-XL - “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-Shirt - size X LARGE - $15.95
SPECIAL OFFER - $4 shirt (design printed on back) when you order any regular priced shirt. While supplies last.
Here is a link to these T-shirts on our website:
NOTE - If you want to take advantage of the special priced shirts, you MUST call our office - 215-766-1611 x 0 - to place your order, while supplies last.
You showcase your “pride and joy” whenever you can at various events. Whether it’s a bike, car, or truck, why not have it displayed on a sturdy piece of 1/8" thick acrylic.
Why have a show sign on poster board when you can have it done on a sturdy piece of acrylic, which will last a very long time, even if it gets wet.
You can easily display it in your man cave or garage when you’re not showing your car.
The entire process can be done by email.
We offer two sizes - 17-1/2" by 10" by 1/8" thick, or 23-1/2" by 15-1/2" by 1/8" thick. Design layout can be horizontal or vertical.
The material is 1/8" acrylic and the UV ink printing process is called “Direct Print.” The printing machine costs over $100,000. The machine is capable of printing images 8 feet wide on material as thick as 1”.
Simply email us - - your photo file. It must be at least 300 dpi.
Typical turn around would be 5-7 days. If you have any questions, call us - 215-766-1611 x 0.
5500 - Custom-made Acrylic Sign - 17-1/2" x 10" x 1/8", black and white or color - $34.95, which includes shipping. PA residents add 6% sales tax.
5502 - Custom-made Acrylic Sign - 23-1/2" x 15-1/2" x 1/8", black and white or color - $49.95, which includes shipping. PA residents add 6% sales tax.
NOTE - We can also quote on any custom size display.
The ideas are endless and signs can be made for personal or business use. Makes a great gift.
Here is a link to these acrylic signs on our website:
To have your power antenna rebuilt, you must first contact Christina at our office - 215-766-1611 x 0 - to place the order with your credit card information.
The total price for the rebuild is just $99.95. You must have an original AC Delco power antenna. This would have a riveted bracket to the tube and have a collapsible top at the top of the tube. Because of the quality of the various replacement and reproduction power antennas our source does not have the parts to fix them. Only the original AC Delco ones that came in your car from the factory can be rebuilt. This includes return shipping to you to any of the basic 48 states. We will give you a “RO” number (Repair Order) and the address you need to ship your antenna to. It does not get shipped to us! The RO number is proof it has been paid for. This RO number must be on your label on your power antenna. You must attach a label with your name and address to it so you are assured of getting your original power antenna back.
NOTE - Do NOT send any of the bezel parts (metal bezel and plastic bezel under the metal one.) Only send the basic antenna. You must unplug the under-the-hood 3-wire harness (gray, white and green wires) from the antenna. Do NOT cut any of the wires.
NOTE - He will be taking a three-week vacation the end of July and the beginning of August. No shipments can be made during these three weeks. We will post reminders about this as the time draws closer.
We also have a limited supply of original AC Delco power antennas currently being rebuilt by our source. This is part #7703. These rebuilt antennas will have the original-style hex tip on the mast. The price is $149.95, which includes shipping to any of the basic 48 states. You must call Christina at our office 215-766-1611 x 0 to purchase one, as supplies are limited. Currently, we only have a few getting rebuilt. If you call and want a rebuilt antenna, we would not charge your credit card until we can ship it.
One thing we recommend you do prior to any power antenna removal is to purchase the Pete Serio booklet - “1984-1987 Turbo Regal - Power Antenna Removal and Installation Guide,” our part #6976.
Here is a link to these Rebuilding/Rebuilt Power Antennas on our website:
1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
This is one of the key engine parts to keeping your Turbo Regal engine original. This is the black metal breather that came on the front of the passenger’s valve cover. A tube went into the other end that went to the inlet bell on the turbo.
If this breather is neglected, it becomes saturated with oil. Once it is saturated, the oil travels through and down the connecting tube, through the turbo inlet bell, and into the intercooler. The oil can coat the intercooler and the connecting hoses, and eventually gum up the throttle body.
We offer them as a pair, so you will have an extra breather.
Supplies of these original-style black breathers may become limited. Other versions are not black, nor are they metal.
These are identical to what came on your car when it was new.
NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #6848 Rebuilt STOCK Turbo and #6849 UPGRADED TA-49 Turbo
Another great engine restoration item.
6539 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Replacement Black Metal Stock Breathers (2) - $12.95
Here is a link to these Stock Breathers on the website:
1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
This is the donut-style gasket that does between the original downpipe and the factory turbo elbow.
NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #6696 Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, #6952 High-Pressure Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, #6928 Wastegate Tool, #6848 Rebuilt STOCK Turbo, and #6849 UPGRADED TA-49 Turbo.
Another gasket for restoring the exhaust.
7701 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Replacement Donut Gasket for Downpipe - $12.95
Here is a link to this Donut Gasket for the Downpipe on our website:
If you have any product ideas that would fit our Turbo Buick market that you would like to see available, email me direct
Got any Turbo Buick parts you are not using? Why not cash them in for parts you need with a Letter of Credit. Simply email me a list - Also, we are still buying dead or partially dead 1984-1987 Turbo Regals under $4,000 that are within 250 to 350 miles of our location.
We have heard from a couple people that have had problems with the links in our Inner Circle.
When we check the links, they work fine. However, if you are not able to be directed to the exact website page or internet site, you can "copy" and "paste" the link into the URL in your browser (such as Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.) If it doesn't link in one browser, it may work in another.
Most people having problems are using Internet Explorer… If you are having issues with links, try another browser to see if it works.
You may need to "UPDATE" your browser to be use you are using the current version.
We have heard from a couple people that have viewed the photos on the website. Because these have to be low-resolution photos to work on the Inner Circle segments on the website, any photos of text don't appear clear when enlarged. This is a problem when you are trying to see numbers, such as those on the VIN labels or pages from Options booklet. Also, because of photo reproduction and computer screen variations, the colors may not be true to the actual product or photo.
If you would like to have us email you any photo at the higher resolution for viewing, just email us and we will email them to you. Be sure to be specific on which pictures you want to see - Reference Inner Circle date and photo number 1, 2, 3 or 4 -
BCA NATIONALS - July 27th-30th, 2016
The BCA Nationals, which stands for Buick Club of America, is actually coming to Allentown, PA July 27th thru the 30th. Allentown is about 25 minutes from where we live.
The big car show day is Saturday, July 30th. They expect over 1,000 Buicks of all kinds. We plan to attend this event on Saturday as a spectator. If you live anywhere near Allentown this is a rare chance to attend a Buick National event. We will be meeting several of our customers at this event
Sometimes we forget that our niche market has a parent national club. For more exact details and location, go to their website -
Moonlight Memories Car Show - Hatboro, PA. Saturday - July30th - 5pm until 10 pm.
This is the 24th annual event. It features upwards of 400 or more cars and trucks that occupy the main street in Hatboro. Depending on when I leave the BCA events in Allentown, I plan to attend this event as well. It’s a great time to catch up with old friends. Unless they changed it, they award 50 trophies at this event. I used to be a judge for this event. This event usually has several Turbo Regals in attendance.
GS NATIONALS - September 14th-17th, 2016 -
Beach Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, Kentucky
See the GSXtra for more details, or their website -
EAST COAST BUICK REGIONALS - September 16th-17th, 2016 at Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, Maryland
Event includes a judged car show on Saturday open to all Buick makes and anything Buick powered. Free Vending. Saturday race classes must be Buick powered. For more information, contact - or
NOTE - This is not a misprint. Both the GS Nationals and East Coast Buick Regionals fall on the same weekend.
Any inquiries concerning used parts, you must email me direct - - I will answer you. However, if I fail to answer you within 24 hours, please email us again. Since expanding into used parts, I get a lot of emails and sometimes I may forget your request or may not remember who requested the item.
This coming Saturday is the huge Buick Club of America car show in nearby Allentown, open to the public. They expect over 650 Buicks of all years. This is a rare opportunity to see a wide array of Buicks in this area.
Buick Motor Division will be showing some old prototypes and a few new models as well. Years ago I attended a BCA National event in Atlanta, Georgia as it was almost the same time as a GTO event I was going to.
I plan to attend with Jason who is driving down from Canada. One of our New England customers can’t make it and sent me tickets to some of the events, so Jason and I plan to attend the Friday night dinner event. We will be donating some items to their silent auction. It will be unusual to be at a Buick event this size and probably not know many people!
One of our customers is a BCA board member that we will meet up with at this event.
Here are our two contest winners with the number of codes on their SPID labels.
On the low end of codes on the SPID label, the winner is Bill Furst with a mere 50 codes total. Ironically he owns a 1987 white Turbo-T like we do! As we mentioned earlier, our car has 52 codes.
At the high end of the number of codes, coming in at an even 100, is Kelly Morrison in Canada. He hit the jackpot when he specifically ordered a 1986 Grand National to have every possible option. The previous year he had a 1985 Grand National, which he quickly traded in when he found out the 1986 was going to be intercooled. He took a $4,000 hit at trade-in time.
We heard from several owners that had codes numbering in the 90s but only 1 that hit the triple digits.
Based on this small sampling, it’s reasonable to assume that if your Turbo Regal has 95 or more codes, it is pretty rare.
Going in the other direction, it’s a good bet if your SPID label contains less than 55 codes, it is also pretty rare.
Congrats to both Bill Furst and Kelly Morrison on your wise purchase.
About a week ago I attended the Chryslers at Carlisle event. While there was a tremendous showing of the late-model Challengers, the real money cars were the mid-to-late 60s with very few options. They usually had the dog dish hubcaps on steel wheels, radio delete plates, vinyl bench front seat, and a small four-letter metal emblem on the fenders that said “Hemi 426.” It is void of options but packed a Hemi.
Years ago I restored and drove a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner. It had very few options. It had a green exterior and green interior, vinyl bench seat, four speed, thumb wheel am radio, crank windows, and no air conditioning. It was very cheap to restore back in the late 1970s.
We have been contacted by a lady who recently lost her husband. He was a collector of various high performance Mustang/Shelby cars and parts. He was extremely well organized and has all the documents, receipts for everything he acquired over a long period of time.
Notably he was the third owner of a 1968 Mustang GT 500 KR car. Another example is a 1971 Mach One that he purchased brand new, which needs to be restored.
He also purchased 2008 Shelby GT500 convertible and now has a mere 3,200 miles on it. This car alone has $18,000 worth of extras he bought, most of which have not been installed on the car. The amount of parts and equipment is impressive. The Window Sticker shows he paid $77,000 for the car alone, which included a $25,000 Adjusted Market Value tacked on.
It’s amazing that he kept all the receipts and various records to prove everything.
Some of the equipment, such as an Eastwood welder and 6 hp compressor, are still brand new in the wrapper. Two huge tool boxes of tools are like brand new. Various air tools, floor jacks, engine stand Backyard Buddy is part of the vast collection. The Backyard Buddy has never been used or even assembled.
There is also a 427 FE aluminum block direct from Carroll Shelby with the receipt from summer of 2007. The receipt for this alone with a few extras is just over $6,000.
In several display cases are 35 various diecast Fords, some of which are extremely rare. All the original boxes for the diecast cars have been carefully saved. There are several shelves of car magazines and manuals.
I was amazed at the amount of items tucked into this small garage and shed. Every part is noted in books, when it was removed or what car it is for. The attention to detail just boggles the mind.
She currently has one company has been made aware of this rare stash of Ford Shelby cars and parts.
The crown jewel of this collection of cars and parts is, of course, the 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR car that is very solid and needs to be restored and assembled. It has a 427 block in it and comes with the original block. She has all the documents going back to the original owner and it is registered with the Shelby Registration Club. It is the real deal. The car is a black-on-black hardtop 4 speed combination. I don’t claim to be an expert on Shelby or Ford but I know enough that these items and cars have great value. I did see at least two dual quad setups among the extra parts.
PHOTO 1 - The top left photo shows the 1968 Shelby GT 500 KR front end. The top right photo shows a portion of the back end of the car. The lower left shows one of the original wheels. The lower right photo shows the 2008 Shelby GT 500 convertible. This car has less than 3,500 actual miles on it.
If you know of a big time Ford Shelby collector, have them email me - - so I can provide them with more details.
The Old Cars Price Guide is printed six times a year. At the end of the year they publish an 800-plus page book that covers all the vehicles through 2007 or 2008.
The issues that they publish every other month are a condensed version. The latest issue is the first one to cover the 1987 models. I believe prior issues only went up to 1986.
Years ago I was contacted by Old Cars to give some input on the Prices of the Turbo Regals. I was instrumental in getting them to have a category for the 1987 Turbo Limited models. Prior to this it was not recognized as a separate category. So, for the 1987 they do list values for the Turbo Limited models. Unfortunately, the WE4 probably is not listed as a separate category.
Like any price guide it’s only a guide. Ratings go from #1 (meaning excellent) to #6 (meaning a parts car.)
Based on my experience if you read Craigs List, any car advertised as being excellent usually falls short!
Perhaps more than any other industry the truth is stretched when marketing used cars by the public! We have all made those wasted trips to look at them!
PHOTO 2 - We show the latest Old Car Report Price Guide available now at major news stands. The second photo shows the page on how they determine values #1 through #6. Very few cars will rate a number 1 classification unless the car has won some top honors at a national level. If I had to grade our 1987 Turbo-T, it would fall between #2 and a high #3. I believe most people that have seen the car would agree.
As I write this, we are almost out of 2 of the 3 sizes on the $4 Top Ten Reasons Grand National T- shirts. See New Products for more details.
Remember, you must call our office between 9 and 4:30 to place your order if you want to include any of the $4 Top Ten Reason T-shirts that has the design on the back - 215-766-1611 x 0.
Next week we will probably list exactly what we have left. The $4 T-shirts are not advertised on our website since supplies will soon be gone. If you have T shirts on order you can expect to receive them any day now.
See the New Products section in this Inner Circle as we now 1984-1985 Alternators ready to sell.
Our brand new 1984-1985 Turbo Regal alternators put out 120 amps not 94. Because the 1985 falls into a grey area, it’s important you look at your alternator to see if it looks like the 1984 or if it looks like the 1986-1987 Turbo Regal format. Whichever you have, we offer both and the pricing is the same.
Over the years someone could have installed an aftermarket radio in your Turbo Regal, which was a popular thing to do.
With the CD format being available in the 1990s, many owners would have a radio shop install one of these units. I know this from firsthand experience with some of the Turbo Regals we bought and sold in the 1990s. I always made an effort to put back the stock radio.
Unfortunately, at the time in many cases installers didn’t install just a plug-and-play harness. They simply would cut off the factory connectors and splice the needed wires to make the new radio work. Actually someone had cut the factory plug ends off the radio wires for an aftermarket radio our personal Turbo-T. The style of plugs that were on the factory harness was generally not used after 1987 in any of the GM cars. So they are not easy to find today.
PHOTO 3 - Shows the 3 factory correct plugs that need to be on your car’s factory radio harness to plug into the correct 1984-1987 Buick radio. On the right we show the other single black plug that is needed as well. Each of the black-white-blue plugs is designed to fit specifically into a specific slot on the back of the factory radio. The other small black plug attaches to a separate wire that exits the back of the radio. You can splice these into your wires if you needed them by simply matching up the colors of each wire. This involves 11 wires for the main 3 plugs. I sell a lot of these plug ends to another company. I have a few in stock as well. You can email me direct - - if you need a set.
I hope to have pricing and samples for the next Inner Circle. These brackets are unique to the G-body cars and not used on any other GM models, from what I can tell.
NOTE - If you purchase one of my radios, we will give you a special price on the new reproduction radio brackets that we are having made.
We still need to see more GNX SPID labels. I need to know if they show a J41 or J42 code or neither code.
Also VD6 and VD7 codes for aluminum bumper supports.
If no code is indicated for the bumper supports, does your GNX have aluminum supports front and in the rear?
Early indications seem to point to the fact GM was not that accurate with the SPID codes on the label. I have now seen several SPID labels that show neither a J41 or J42 code, which refers to steel or aluminum rear brake drums on Turbo Regals. This includes one Grand National with 100 SPID codes, yet lists no code for indicating steel or aluminum brake drums (J41 or J42). With that said, check out your car’s SPID label and see if you have a J41 or J42 code. Email me your findings -
Last week we mentioned that today less than 1% of the total new car production had a fixed steering column. I also mentioned out of about 317 Turbo Regals we sold, at most we only had 3 or 4 that had a fixed steering column.
In re-reading that sentence I realized that of 317 Turbo Regals I had maybe 3 or 4 with the no-tilt feature, which works out to about 1% for the 1986-1987 Turbo Regals.
One of the most asked questions I get by email or phone call is owners wanting to try and figure out how rare their car is the way it is equipped. Unfortunately, unlike the Corvettes, there is no real exact set of records to determine the various options and how many were built.
I confess I never paid attention to it when I was buying and selling them. In looking back though, it’s pretty safe to assume a 1984-1987 Turbo Regal with no tilt option is very rare. It would probably be even more rare on a column shift Turbo car such as the Limited model. Based on my review, I would say 1% received a non-tilt column.
The Limited model was basically an upgraded model to start with. Dealers make more profit the more features or options the buyer could be convinced to add on to their purchase. A bare bones Turbo Regal is not what dealers would be pushing you to buy.
PHOTO 4 - I was digging through some of my old photos and found the photo on the left of the award winning brown 1987 Turbo-T I sold that was a winner one year at the GS Nationals from what I recall. This is the car I sold to the person that ran the shop that made our GTO radiator shrouds years earlier. The photo on the right is quite unique as it shows the interior of a Limited we had and on the door panel. You can clearly see a window crank rather than a power window switch. Crank windows would be extremely rare in a Limited Turbo-T Regal. I would venture a guess and say that would fall into the 1% category. Going by memory, I don’t think I had more than one.
I have been told the Harrisburg Mecum Auction this past week featured the most Turbo Regals Mecum has ever had at one auction. I believe that number was 6.
According to one of my customers that attended this event, a 1987 Grand National with 250 actual miles was bid to $90,000 but did not meet the reserve.
Another one that did sell had 2,900 actual miles and was signed by Molly. That indicates it was at one of our two events that Molly attended and possibly may have been one of the Grand Nationals I sold. This one sold for $46,000, according to my customer who witnessed it.
A 1986 Grand National that was built by Lingenfelter was bid to $38,000 but did not sell. My source says this car looked like it had been sitting in a barn for the last 10 years.
I am sure all the results will be posted on Mecum’s website at some point soon.
I did see some of this auction on cable and was surprised at the number of late-model Mercedes Benz cars that went through. These cars seem to take a real hit in values after just a few years of gentle use!
See the photo on the right in Photo 2 in 7-13-2016 Inner Circle. It is these original AC Delco mass air flow sensor cores that we badly need.
Cardone does not have any of them in their supply of cores. We need these original cores to meet the needs of other customers.
If you have any original sensors with the plug pointing downward like in that photo, we will give you a Letter of Credit for $40 against any of our website parts.
The cheaper way to ship is by Mail.
MAILING ADDRESS - Kirban Performance, PO Box 1199, Plumsteadville, Pa 18949 with your Name, Address and Phone Number.
UPS ADDRESS - Kirban Performance, 6201 Kellers Church Road, Plumsteadville, Pa 18949 with your Name, Address and Phone Number.
Help us help others. Otherwise we will be forced to discontinue this service for our customers. To my knowledge, no one has reproduced it as of yet. It would require the blessing from GM since it has the AC Delco wording on it.
I am still waiting for word from Cardone as to when I can expect to have more aluminum brake drums available. If you wish a set from the next shipment, contact our office - 215-766-1611 x 0. We would not charge your credit card until we have them in stock. The price is $234.95 plus shipping.
We have a limited number of a 35-page booklet that includes much of the background history of the GNX going back to July 1986.
If you are interested, you must email me personally - - for more info and pricing.
Here is the information on our credits for cores.
We currently need original good 1986-1987 AC Delco mass air flow sensors. We allow $40 Letter of Credit for each correct AC Delco core.
URGENT NEED - TURBO CORES must be the 1986-1987 Turbo Regal stock turbo. They must be complete. We will issue you a $100 Letter of Credit for each acceptable core.
If you ship to us, the post office is the cheapest method. Pack the item(s) with a note with your name, address and phone number.
MAIL - Ship to Address -
PO BOX 1199
UPS - Ship to Address -
6201 Kellers Church Road
If you need technical information, it’s best to email - rather than call us.
We will do our best to answer any technical questions within 24 hours.
From time to time, whenever we spot an unusual or an exceptional car or truck for sale, or one we have for sale, we will put a blurb in our weekly Inner Circle. Also, any cars that our customers have for sale will be featured here and you can see their car with photos on our website. In this category, we will run the descriptions for two-to-three weeks and, if there is no interest in that particular vehicle, it will be deleted the following week. If any of these vehicles perk your interest, email me personally - - for more information and photos.
If you have a tip or a discovery that you found that works on your Turbo Regal, drop us an email giving us the details so we can pass the info on to our readers. Remember, even with my knowledge, I don’t know it all. Simply email me at -
1984-1985 Turbo Regal -
Pre-tested with Limited Lifetime Warranty
Our research has shown that very few companies offer a 100% brand new, correct-appearing alternator for the 1984-1985 Turbo Regals.
The original 1984 Turbo Regal alternator had 94 amps. It has a single pulley format with a different fan than the later Turbo Regal alternators (see upper photo.) It is possible some 1985 Turbo Regals used the 1984-style alternator as well.
If you have a 1985 Turbo Regal you need to determine if you have a 2-prong plug (shown on the left) or a 4-pin format (shown on the right.) You would also have a 6 groove pulley and a different style fan on the front.
If you have the 4-pin format, see part #7315. The one you need is part #7315 or #7316, which is a 200 amp.
Our supplier who builds all our alternators is able to modify these to produce 120 amps instead of the original 94 amps. He also uses heavy-duty diodes in his alternators. All the parts are brand new and look as close to factory original as possible. These improvements make this alternator far superior than any auto store version.
Working closely with a local source, we can assure quality control. Each alternator is hand assembled, pre-tested and comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.
The pulley itself is used, but is factory original so it has the proper diameter and groove. All of the other external parts (including the housing) and internal parts are brand new. The housing on this unit does not have any factory stampings. Since each alternator is pre-tested, you can be assured it is producing a minimum of 120 amps.
The proper amps and charging is a critical function to assure the electronics are getting the proper volts to the complete electrical system. Some of you may be running additional fuel pumps and this makes this even more important.
No core is required, so you can retain the original alternator.
It’s always better to buy brand new versus used or rebuilt, especially if it’s a car you plan to keep.
NOTE - You may also be interested in a related item - #7315 - 1986-1987 Turbo Regal & 1989 Turbo Trans Am Brand New 120 amp Alternator or #7316 -1986-1987 Turbo Regal and 1989 Turbo Trans Am Brand New Custom-Built 200 amp Alternator.
While other alternators may be cheaper, ours are 100% correct looking.
An excellent replacement for any engine restoration.
NOTE - If you own a 1985 Turbo Regal, be SURE to determine if you need this #7705 2-prone alternator or the 4-pin format, part #7315 or part #7316.
7705 - 1984-1985 Turbo Regal -
Brand New 120 amp Alternator, Pre-tested with Limited Lifetime Warranty - $174.95
Here is a link to this alternator on our website:
For the many Turbo Regal enthusiasts out there, we now carry this handsome “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-shirt.
We only stock the three most popular sizes - LARGE, X LARGE and XX LARGE.
The high-quality ash gray T-shirt is pre-shrunk 1% polyester and 99% heavy-weight cotton.
The sharp 5-color design features our Buick mechanic cartoon along with these related reasons to own a Grand National silkscreened on the front.
# 1 - I was impressed with the factory black paint job.
# 2 - I love the constant challenge of trying to eliminate oil leaks.
# 3 - I wonder where the "power" is in the operation of the power windows.
# 4 - My wife says I needed a spending outlet for my money.
# 5 - I can buy tires wholesale.
# 6 - I was told these cars are seldom stolen.
# 7 - My joy of buying a T-Top Grand National was quickly shattered during the first rain storm.
# 8 - I wanted to learn all about the powermaster brake system.
# 9 - “B-B-B-BAD-TO-THE-BONE” sounds good on the radio.
#10 - The uninformed think it’s a Monte Carlo...the informed won't challenge me to race.
T-shirt makes a great statement at a car show, and also makes a great gift for that Turbo enthusiast or for your mechanic.
NOTE - You may also be interested in this related sign - #7726 - “TOP TEN REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” 17.5″ x 10″ 1/8″ Acrylic Sign.
7671-L - “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-Shirt - size LARGE - $15.95
7672-XL - “TOP 10 REASONS I OWN A BUICK GRAND NATIONAL” T-Shirt - size X LARGE - $15.95
SPECIAL OFFER - $4 shirt (design printed on back) when you order any regular priced shirt. While supplies last.
Here is a link to these T-shirts on our website:
NOTE - If you want to take advantage of the special priced shirts, you MUST call our office - 215-766-1611 x 0 - to place your order, while supplies last.
You showcase your “pride and joy” whenever you can at various events. Whether it’s a bike, car, or truck, why not have it displayed on a sturdy piece of 1/8" thick acrylic.
Why have a show sign on poster board when you can have it done on a sturdy piece of acrylic, which will last a very long time, even if it gets wet.
You can easily display it in your man cave or garage when you’re not showing your car.
The entire process can be done by email.
We offer two sizes - 17-1/2" by 10" by 1/8" thick, or 23-1/2" by 15-1/2" by 1/8" thick. Design layout can be horizontal or vertical.
The material is 1/8" acrylic and the UV ink printing process is called “Direct Print.” The printing machine costs over $100,000. The machine is capable of printing images 8 feet wide on material as thick as 1”.
Simply email us - - your photo file. It must be at least 300 dpi.
Typical turn around would be 5-7 days. If you have any questions, call us - 215-766-1611 x 0.
5500 - Custom-made Acrylic Sign - 17-1/2" x 10" x 1/8", black and white or color - $34.95, which includes shipping. PA residents add 6% sales tax.
5502 - Custom-made Acrylic Sign - 23-1/2" x 15-1/2" x 1/8", black and white or color - $49.95, which includes shipping. PA residents add 6% sales tax.
NOTE - We can also quote on any custom size display.
The ideas are endless and signs can be made for personal or business use. Makes a great gift.
Here is a link to these acrylic signs on our website:
To have your power antenna rebuilt, you must first contact Christina at our office - 215-766-1611 x 0 - to place the order with your credit card information.
The total price for the rebuild is just $99.95. You must have an original AC Delco power antenna. This would have a riveted bracket to the tube and have a collapsible top at the top of the tube. Because of the quality of the various replacement and reproduction power antennas our source does not have the parts to fix them. Only the original AC Delco ones that came in your car from the factory can be rebuilt. This includes return shipping to you to any of the basic 48 states. We will give you a “RO” number (Repair Order) and the address you need to ship your antenna to. It does not get shipped to us! The RO number is proof it has been paid for. This RO number must be on your label on your power antenna. You must attach a label with your name and address to it so you are assured of getting your original power antenna back.
NOTE - Do NOT send any of the bezel parts (metal bezel and plastic bezel under the metal one.) Only send the basic antenna. You must unplug the under-the-hood 3-wire harness (gray, white and green wires) from the antenna. Do NOT cut any of the wires.
NOTE - He will be taking a three-week vacation the end of July and the beginning of August. No shipments can be made during these three weeks. We will post reminders about this as the time draws closer.
We also have a limited supply of original AC Delco power antennas currently being rebuilt by our source. This is part #7703. These rebuilt antennas will have the original-style hex tip on the mast. The price is $149.95, which includes shipping to any of the basic 48 states. You must call Christina at our office 215-766-1611 x 0 to purchase one, as supplies are limited. Currently, we only have a few getting rebuilt. If you call and want a rebuilt antenna, we would not charge your credit card until we can ship it.
One thing we recommend you do prior to any power antenna removal is to purchase the Pete Serio booklet - “1984-1987 Turbo Regal - Power Antenna Removal and Installation Guide,” our part #6976.
Here is a link to these Rebuilding/Rebuilt Power Antennas on our website:
1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
This is one of the key engine parts to keeping your Turbo Regal engine original. This is the black metal breather that came on the front of the passenger’s valve cover. A tube went into the other end that went to the inlet bell on the turbo.
If this breather is neglected, it becomes saturated with oil. Once it is saturated, the oil travels through and down the connecting tube, through the turbo inlet bell, and into the intercooler. The oil can coat the intercooler and the connecting hoses, and eventually gum up the throttle body.
We offer them as a pair, so you will have an extra breather.
Supplies of these original-style black breathers may become limited. Other versions are not black, nor are they metal.
These are identical to what came on your car when it was new.
NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #6848 Rebuilt STOCK Turbo and #6849 UPGRADED TA-49 Turbo
Another great engine restoration item.
6539 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Replacement Black Metal Stock Breathers (2) - $12.95
Here is a link to these Stock Breathers on the website:
1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
This is the donut-style gasket that does between the original downpipe and the factory turbo elbow.
NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #6696 Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, #6952 High-Pressure Adjustable Wastegate Actuator, #6928 Wastegate Tool, #6848 Rebuilt STOCK Turbo, and #6849 UPGRADED TA-49 Turbo.
Another gasket for restoring the exhaust.
7701 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Replacement Donut Gasket for Downpipe - $12.95
Here is a link to this Donut Gasket for the Downpipe on our website:
If you have any product ideas that would fit our Turbo Buick market that you would like to see available, email me direct
Got any Turbo Buick parts you are not using? Why not cash them in for parts you need with a Letter of Credit. Simply email me a list - Also, we are still buying dead or partially dead 1984-1987 Turbo Regals under $4,000 that are within 250 to 350 miles of our location.
We have heard from a couple people that have had problems with the links in our Inner Circle.
When we check the links, they work fine. However, if you are not able to be directed to the exact website page or internet site, you can "copy" and "paste" the link into the URL in your browser (such as Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.) If it doesn't link in one browser, it may work in another.
Most people having problems are using Internet Explorer… If you are having issues with links, try another browser to see if it works.
You may need to "UPDATE" your browser to be use you are using the current version.
We have heard from a couple people that have viewed the photos on the website. Because these have to be low-resolution photos to work on the Inner Circle segments on the website, any photos of text don't appear clear when enlarged. This is a problem when you are trying to see numbers, such as those on the VIN labels or pages from Options booklet. Also, because of photo reproduction and computer screen variations, the colors may not be true to the actual product or photo.
If you would like to have us email you any photo at the higher resolution for viewing, just email us and we will email them to you. Be sure to be specific on which pictures you want to see - Reference Inner Circle date and photo number 1, 2, 3 or 4 -
BCA NATIONALS - July 27th-30th, 2016
The BCA Nationals, which stands for Buick Club of America, is actually coming to Allentown, PA July 27th thru the 30th. Allentown is about 25 minutes from where we live.
The big car show day is Saturday, July 30th. They expect over 1,000 Buicks of all kinds. We plan to attend this event on Saturday as a spectator. If you live anywhere near Allentown this is a rare chance to attend a Buick National event. We will be meeting several of our customers at this event
Sometimes we forget that our niche market has a parent national club. For more exact details and location, go to their website -
Moonlight Memories Car Show - Hatboro, PA. Saturday - July30th - 5pm until 10 pm.
This is the 24th annual event. It features upwards of 400 or more cars and trucks that occupy the main street in Hatboro. Depending on when I leave the BCA events in Allentown, I plan to attend this event as well. It’s a great time to catch up with old friends. Unless they changed it, they award 50 trophies at this event. I used to be a judge for this event. This event usually has several Turbo Regals in attendance.
GS NATIONALS - September 14th-17th, 2016 -
Beach Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, Kentucky
See the GSXtra for more details, or their website -
EAST COAST BUICK REGIONALS - September 16th-17th, 2016 at Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, Maryland
Event includes a judged car show on Saturday open to all Buick makes and anything Buick powered. Free Vending. Saturday race classes must be Buick powered. For more information, contact - or
NOTE - This is not a misprint. Both the GS Nationals and East Coast Buick Regionals fall on the same weekend.
Any inquiries concerning used parts, you must email me direct - - I will answer you. However, if I fail to answer you within 24 hours, please email us again. Since expanding into used parts, I get a lot of emails and sometimes I may forget your request or may not remember who requested the item.
This coming Saturday is the huge Buick Club of America car show in nearby Allentown, open to the public. They expect over 650 Buicks of all years. This is a rare opportunity to see a wide array of Buicks in this area.
Buick Motor Division will be showing some old prototypes and a few new models as well. Years ago I attended a BCA National event in Atlanta, Georgia as it was almost the same time as a GTO event I was going to.
I plan to attend with Jason who is driving down from Canada. One of our New England customers can’t make it and sent me tickets to some of the events, so Jason and I plan to attend the Friday night dinner event. We will be donating some items to their silent auction. It will be unusual to be at a Buick event this size and probably not know many people!
One of our customers is a BCA board member that we will meet up with at this event.