05-30-2012 Inner Circle

Greetings Turbo Regal Inner Circle Members - 05-30-2012


We recently acquired a factory original Buick poster that has eluded me for years. I remember when we leased our original 1987 Grand National, the dealership had one of these posters hanging in the showroom. I recently heard from David Sichko, who got this poster with a bunch of other items and offered it to me.

PHOTO 1 - Shows this original 1987 Buick poster. It is done on a heavy card stock material and measures approximately 24" across by 27" high. The heading reads, “1987 BUICK PERFORMANCE MODELS." In looking at the 4 models featured, the new LeSabre T-Type Coupe appears to get top billing since it's the first model on the poster. The model featured in the left of center is the Riviera T-Type. The Regal Grand National is seen to the right of center. Buick used this same Grand National picture elsewhere as well. Across the bottom is a model seldom seen on the roads today, the Electra T-Type Sedan.

With the heading "Buick Performance Models," you would think it would have included the 1987 Turbo-T models and possibly the Limited Turbo-T models. After the 1987 model year, the only car featured (besides the Grand National) that would enjoy a limited success among collectors would be the LeSabre T-Type.


PHOTO 2 - The top left photo shows a 1949 or 1950 Oldsmobile Coupe that was for sale in very nice condition. The top right photo shows the V-8 engine with trips. Oldsmobile was one of the first GM cars to have an overhead V8 back in 1949.

I have a special fondness for 1949-1950 Oldsmobile coupes since it was one of the first cars we owned when we got married. Ours was a 1949 76 Club Coupe, which was the cheapest model. It was powered by a 1957 V8 engine, coupled to a 4-speed hydromatic transmission that was worked to the max. (I will try and dig up some photos of this car!)

The lower left photo shows a fairly new LS7 Corvette engine ready to be dropped into another project car! If that is too pricey, the lower right photo shows a brand new 454 Chevrolet engine that was for sale.

PHOTO 3 - If traveling fast is not your goal, this top left photo shows a restored 1948 Wizzard that could be bought for just $4500, shown in the top right photo. Of course, any major swap meet features plenty of project cars. This lower left photo shows a real 1964 GTO that had years of neglect showing but appeared fairly intact. The lower right photo shows a Dodge dealer sign brand new still crated that was for sale. Spring Carlisle had something for everyone, but in my opinion, it's the automotive signs that seem to be gaining in popularity and prices. I saw several large dealer signs for sale priced at thousand dollars or more. Gasoline signs, especially the ones that are metal and near mint, bring very good money. I think collectors are buying them up to dress up their garages.


Unlike most car magazine articles, when they do a custom install of any type seldom do they discuss or show that not everything goes according to plan. I knew from having our Turbo Regal on the lift that my factory Y pipe was not exactly centered. Matter of fact, the stock steel driveshaft would just barely touch the one exhaust pipe when the car was on a lift.

I knew based on that the new aluminum driveshaft which is ½" wider in diameter would be a bit of a problem getting it to fit. My Y pipe is a factory original one and so are my tailpipes. The cross flow muffler has been replaced with what appears to be a flowmaster. Which probably explains why my Y pipe was off center. The pipes were welded to the muffler, which in turn makes any adjustments harder to make unless you have a means to heat up the exhaust pipes.

Fortunately I deal with a very good shop and they know I am more interested in getting the job done than worrying about any additional cost factor due to time involved.

PHOTO 4 - This top photo shows our Turbo-T with the stock driveshaft and you clearly see how the exhaust pipe for the passenger's side is very close to the stock steel driveshaft. The photo is taken looking front to back. Keep in mind, when the car is on the ground, this distance widens between the driveshaft and the exhaust. It's only when the car is on a lift that the distance between any driveshaft and exhaust system can get very close to each other.

The lower photo shows our new aluminum driveshaft installed. This photo is looking back to front. They had to heat the passenger side Y pipe to allow enough clearance of the new aluminum driveshaft. The new driveshaft looks 100% better under the car. If you are considering an aluminum driveshaft, I recommend the next time you have your Turbo car on a lift, see how much clearance you have between the stock driveshaft and the exhaust system. If you have a good ½" all around, the install is not going to be a problem. If your exhaust is anywhere near touching the stock driveshaft, then be prepared to make some alterations to making the new 3-½" driveshaft fit properly!


While not a household name to most of us, one of Eugene Polley's inventions is probably used by almost all of us. It may not rank up there with the flush toilet, but in 1955 while working for Zenith, he invented the TV remote! It was originally called the “Flash-Matic."

Eugene lived a long life making it to 96 years old. He reportedly would show visitors his original invention in his assisted living apartment. Some of us, myself included, remember the days prior to TV remotes and flat screens and 100-plus channels!


In last week's Inner Circle we mentioned the Horseless Carriage Club also had their gathering the same weekend as the Nationals was held in Burlington, NC. It got me thinking. Somewhere in time somebody started the very first company to make reproduction parts for a certain car model and market used parts.

We started around 1978 with the Pontiac GTOs. At that time, there were about 5 companies all in their infancy dealing with Pontiac GTOs. I can remember seeing many companies making parts for the model A Fords advertising in in Hemmings magazine. Perhaps it was one of these companies that was the very first company to market parts for the Model A. It seems that the Model A would have the largest customer base.


Here is quick list of 5 items that are usually loose on your Turbo Regal.

See how many are loose on your car right now!

In no particular order…

1 - The pullstrap(s) on the door panel, unless you own a Turbo Limited.

2 - The single screw that secures the optional power trunk solenoid to the trunk lock.

3 - Your rear view mirror.

4 - The three small 7mm screws that secure the plastic base to the base of the steering wheel.

5 - Last, but not least, any of the 10mm screws that holds the valve covers to the engine, especially the one that holds the wastegate solenoid to the special stud. At any Turbo Buick event I can usually find one or more of these screws loose on any car.


I still have no new word on getting these correct looking oval 12" GNX mufflers. I expect to have about 8 sets of them before the end of June. Once we do, we will put out the word and photos in the Inner Circle.



We discovered this aluminum high heat paint at the 2012 Nationals at Richard Clark’s shop. This is the brand Richard uses personally on his Turbo Regal engine parts.

This ALB-1-HT engine paint restores a fresh new aluminum appearance to any aluminum part.

It is made by Goodson, who is a supplier of engine and tools to engine rebuilders. It is called “Aluminum Last Blast High Temperature Formula.” It restores a fresh new aluminum appearance, which can withstand engine temperatures.

It produces a hard chemical-resistant finish, it won't deteriorate like ordinary paints, dries tack-free in 10 minutes and can be heated at 450° to create a professional durable finish.

Any parts sprayed can withstand continuous heat up to 1200°F.

It comes in a handy 12-ounce spray can.

Our second photo shows a 1986-1987 Turbo Regal upper plenum we spray painted using this product. You can see it looks new.

We also offer some other spray paints - #6826 - High Heat Spray Paint, 12-ounce can (Specify: aluminum, cast blast grey, or satin black), #7134 - “Black Satin™ Automotive Trim Coating” Spray Paint, 12-ounce can, and #6822 - Interior Spray Paint, 11-ounce can (Specify: grey, dark blue or burgundy).

NOTE - Spray paint can ONLY be shipped by UPS GROUND... because of restrictions, we CANNOT ship paint by AIR.

NOTE - This spray paint is used and highly recommended by Richard Clark.

7419 - Aluminum Grey Last Blast High Temperature Formula Spray Paint, 12-ounce can $14.95

Here is a link to this Spray Paint on our website:


Here is an item that Pete replaced when he had his transmission rebuilt at Richards. Your transmission crossmember is supported at both ends sandwiched between a two hard rubber bushings. These new ones are ½" thick. If yours have never been replaced, chances are they are probably brittle and not even half that thick. This can alter the angle of your transmission in relationship to the rear.

1984-1987 Buick Regal -

These are factory GM replacement bushings. These are the 4 rubber bushings that sandwich the factory transmission crossmember at the ends to each side of the frame rail.

With age, exposure and weather, these rubber bushings usually become compressed and deteriorate.

If your car's bushings are severely compressed, it can alter the angle of the transmission in relationship to the rear.

An excellent time to replace these bushings is when you are having the transmission rebuilt. (You do not have to remove the transmission to install these, however you do have to support the transmission in order to remove and reinstall these new bushings.)

This is just another item that should be replaced to retain a firm support for the transmission. You may want to replace the Rear Transmission Mount, Part #6941 at the same time.

Another good restoration item.

7420 - 1984-1987 Buick Regal -
Transmission Crossmember Bushings (4) Set - $36.95 / set

These will be on the website soon.


Pete Hoffman has a limited number of the reproduction GNX Suspension Systems available. These are the Richard Clark systems that he has had made locally.

They are nearly exact to the originals, down to the welds and material used. They come with complete detailed instructions.

Limited availability! Call or email Pete 215-778-1036


Got any turbo parts you are not using? Why not cash them in for parts you need with a Letter of Credit. Simply email me a list -

Also, we are still buying dead or partially dead 1984-1987 Turbo Regals under $4,000 that are within 250 to 350 miles of our location.

NOTE ABOUT PHOTOS ON THE WEBSITE - We have heard from a couple people that have viewed the photos on the website. Because these have to be low-resolution photos to work on the Inner Circle segments on the website, any photos of text don't appear clear when enlarged. This is a problem when you are trying to see numbers, such as those on the VIN labels or pages from Options booklet. Also, because of photo reproduction and computer screen variations, the colors may not be true to the actual product or photo.

If you would like to have us email you any photo at the higher resolution for viewing, just email us and we will email them to you. Be sure to be specific on which pictures you want to see - Reference Inner Circle date and photo number 1, 2, 3 or 4 -


MAY 26th, 2012 - Saturday
Lebanon Valley Dragway, Lebanon, New York.

For more info, phone number for the racetrack is 518-794-7130. To reach John Csordas - 845-528-GSGN or his cell is 914-447-6068.

JUNE 15th and 16th, 2012 - Friday & Saturday
Friday afternoon World's Record attempt at muffler box dominoes.
Cruise through Lansdale, PA Friday night.
Saturday event is held at Performance Years headquarters, 2705 Clemens Road, Hatfield, PA 19440. They should have 150+ Pontiacs, 150+ musclecars and 150+ Mustangs. They even have 2 bands playing back to back on Saturday.

I have listed below the events for Saturday the main day at Performance years headquarters. We will be there as a vendor. Then that same night is the Lansdale car show in the center of town.

Saturday, June 16

8:30am - 4:30pm - Midway & Showroom Open
8:30am - 4:00pm - Featured Indoor Vehicle Display
9:00am - 4:00pm - PY & Pypes Open House
9:00am - 3:00pm - PY & Pypes Tours (Every ? hour)
9:00am - 3:00pm - All Pontiac Car Show
9:00am - 3:00pm - All Mustang Car Show
9:00am - 3:00pm - Musclecar & Truck Show
9:00am - 4:00pm - Name Your Price Swap-Meet (Hospitality Area)
9:00am - 4:00pm - Live Exhaust Installations
12:00pm - 3:00pm - Live Bands: Life Without... & Stepping STONE performing
2:00pm - Car Show Voting Closes
4:00pm - Car Show Awards Ceremony

"Lansdale Under the Lights" is that evening. Lansdale/Hatfield area should be crawling with cool cars!

All monies collected for registration, minus the costs of the trophies, goes to the ALS Foundation (Lou Gehrig's disease) in Philadelphia, PA.

Here is the link with for more details -

JUNE 15th, 16th and 17th, 2012 - Friday, Saturday & Sunday -
Summit Motorsports Park, Norwalk, Ohio.

Hotels - Best Western Norwalk - 419-663-3501 or All American Inn Norwalk - 419-663-1922.
For more info, contact Roberta Vasilow 810-655-8277 email -
or Bill Wills 330-747-1029 email

AUGUST 3rd and 4th, 2012 - Friday & Saturday
National Trail Raceway, Hebron, Ohio
The theme this year is the "Class of 1987." Open to all Buick models built in 1987.

SEPTEMBER 21st and 22nd, 2012 - Friday & Saturday
Cecil County Dragway, Maryland
Event is open to all models of Buicks

Featuring the 2nd Annual MAGNA (Mid-Atlantic Grand National Association) All Buick powered judged Car Show! All Buick's! All years! All makes!

Goodie bags for the first 50 Buicks in the show. Door prizes all day and 50/50 to win some cash. The ONLY ALL-Buick car show on the east coast!

For more information, contact Doug Dougherty - 302-653-2201 or John Csordas - 914-447-6068 or email questions to - or Visit their website -

OCTOBER 17-20, 2012 - Wednesday-Saturday
Beach Bend Raceway, Bowling Green, Kentucky

Racing is FREE on Wednesday, October 17th. The correct dates are October 17-20, 2012. Because of the reschedule, they have negotiated FREE racing on Wednesday, October 17th. This includes "everyone" who comes thru the gate and pays the usual nominal entrance fee. There is NO usual additional charge to race your Buick powered cars on Wednesday.

The BCA (Buick Club of America) will be joining the GSCA event. This combination will make for a well-rounded event featuring all kinds of Buicks. This is one fall event you do not want to miss!


If you would like to see any of the Kirban Performance Products items listed on eBay, here is a link to our store and auctions - km


Any inquiries concerning used parts, you must email me direct - - I will answer you. However, if I fail to answer you within 24 hours, please email us again. Since expanding into used parts, I get a lot of emails and sometimes I may forget your request or may not remember who requested the item.


I will be attending the Fords at Carlisle Meet in Carlisle, PA, this coming Friday as a spectator.

I will be set up as a vendor at Performance Years Open House Saturday June 16th at their Hatfield warehouse. The car show is open to all cars. Hope to see some of you there.

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