03-27-2013 Inner Circle

Greetings Turbo Regal Inner Circle Members - 03-27-2013


In last week's Inner Circle 03-20-2013 we showed various center caps related to the Kirban-style GNX wheels we made. One of the machine shops that produces our parts also straightens bent wheels. He lent me the wheel caps shown in Photo 1.

As we pointed out in last week's Inner Circle, it appears that Enkei and Riken made similar mesh wheels, also referred to as "BBS" wheels.

PHOTO 1 - In the left photo we show our Kirban center cap, then the Enkei cap and last the BBS cap. The BBS is a metal cap. As you can see in the photos, basically all three center caps pictured would interchange on any of the wheels. In the right photo we show another BBS center cap that is metal. This cap twists on to a BBS wheel. This center cap incorporates part of the mesh design that was part of the center of the wheel. These are just some of the various center caps that I have found exist for BBS style wheels.

Next week we will show several of the highly-collectible center caps that Hurst used on their wheels during the 1960s muscle car era from my personal collection.


We have mentioned the Analog Dash Led Light Kit that we sell in the past. It is Part #7234. In the next photo you can clearly see how this LED light stick, with its four LEDS on the end of each of the seven sticks, can easily outshine the stock bulb system.

PHOTO 2 - In this photo you are looking downward into the dash housing with the speedometer and gas gauge with LED boost and tachometer plates removed. In each of the seven light socket holes you car see the new 1-1/2" long LED light sticks in its place. At the tip of each of these LED light sticks are 4 LEDs, which now means 28 LEDS are lighting up the dash cluster. We show a red arrow on just one of the LED sticks. With the light more than 1" closer to the area it needs to shine the light on, you can see how this makes a huge difference at night at illuminating your dash cluster.

The other clever item we had developed is a circuit to duplicate the "Low Fuel" signal that Buick only made functional in the Riviera models. What is nice is the printed circuit on the back of the analog dash cluster already includes the printed circuit for the Low Fuel light to function. The same source that makes the LED dash lights for us also developed the printed circuit board and light socket so the Low Fuel light will now function on your dash.

It is barely visible when it's not on, but the lower left side bar of the dash cluster is the one for the Low Fuel warning.

If you are interested, check out our Part #7244, 1984-1987 Regal (Including Turbo Models) with Factory Analog Dash Only -
“LOW FUEL” Warning Indicator Unit.

Here is the link to this Low Fuel Unit on our website:

PHOTO 3 - Here we show the backside of this same dash cluster. We show the printed circuit board that enables the Low Fuel circuit to become functional on your analog dash cluster with a red arrow. The circuit board is held in place by three small plastic push pins which secure the metal contracts to the fuel gauge circuit.

One bit of advice - Do not to let the fuel get so low in your gas tank to cause that Low Fuel indicator to be lit. The factory gas gauge is known to not be a very accurate reading at a quarter tank or below!

The way GM did it originally was that the printed circuit board was part of the light socket, rather than the design our source made.

These are just two neat features that enhance the enjoyment level of owning your Turbo Regal. They are also very easy to install without having to remove the entire dash.

Just two more neat upgrades that do not hurt the originality of your Turbo Regal.

On one of my recent trips to the "You Pull It Yards," I came across a unique clip-on visor mirror.

PHOTO 4 - Perhaps one of our readers can pinpoint the age of this older style clip-on mirror. I found this on an early 1990s GM car. I knew instantly it was from probably a 1940s or 1950s car that perhaps the owner put on his or hers new car. This mirror has an area on both ends of the mirror sides to record service records. On the left you would note info for the battery, oil, and grease and on the far right side a travel record for start, finish and mileage. Today, this can all be done electronically. I figured our younger owners probably never saw something like this! This mirror is in very nice condition when you consider it is probably 40 to 50 years old or more. This was either an aftermarket accessory item or a factory option.


I watched this show last Tuesday night on CNBC. The show takes place in Texas. For the episode I watched, they took a truck out to California to a place that resells cars that have been used in movies and TV shows. Ironically, one of the cars they bought for this episode was the Grand National used in the last Fast & Furious Movie. They did a package deal with a 1967 LeMans that was done up like a GTO.

I can’t remember the exact numbers, but they had about $11,000 invested in the Grand National. They took it to the Leake Auction in Dallas and it brought around $14,500 when it was all said and done. Like many of the current crop of reality shows, it really focused more on the main characters. Most of the story line was the father and son having a side bet as to who would make the most profit at the auction sale.

Anyone who has bought cars to flip, myself included, knows it can be a challenge. The show lacked any real depth into the three cars they highlighted. That was very disappointing. Perhaps as the show progresses the producers will realize they need to show more details related to the cars and not so much showing them running in the parking lot. Again, this is simply my thoughts based on the one episode I saw.

Frankly I thought the Grand National would have fetched more than $14,500 at the auction with its background history.


We have been recording various segments on our products and information related to the Buick Turbo Regals, and we have posted them on YouTube. Keep checking back on this as we filmed several more segments last week.

Some segments feature products, their placements, benefits, or issues.

We recently recorded some more videos for our YouTube posting, which should be up very shortly.

In one of the segments I explain the LED dash lights we have available for the analog dash and the Low Fuel warning unit. There is also a segment on the Tinman cold air system.

Here is a link to the YouTube site:


The adventures of our neighbor's chickens as they make their daily rounds to the Kirban Customs shop. Here is a link to the video on our YouTube site:


We badly need original AC Delco 1986-1987 Turbo Regal mass air flow sensors as cores to have them be rebuilt. Screens can be missing but housing can't be broken or cracked.

We issue a $25 Letter of Credit for each acceptable sensor you send us. This helps us help others retain their cars keeping them original.


As many of our readers know we are one of the main sources for getting these brake units rebuilt.

We recently learned from Cardone Industries, who does the powermaster brake unit rebuilding, are currently out of 1-2 of the parts related to the pump that many of them need when they get rebuilt.

Unfortunately, the delay could be several weeks. However, in the meantime, since all the cores they have are from us, they think they can use parts from some of our other cores to get some coming back to us.

As of today, we have sent them almost 20 cores, hoping that we can get some rebuilt units back out of that 20. The good thing is we have plenty of cores.

Also Cardone has made a huge investment years ago by remaking the one critical part, the brake accumulator bowl.

We are fortunate to have brake accumulator bowls and brake switches readily available to us from Cardone Industries.


We have two new products to announce in this week's Inner Circle.

1984-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

This unique electrical solenoid pass-through connector is for the original 200-4R transmission in the 1984-1987 Buick Turbo Regals. It is located on the driver’s side of the 200-4R transmission.

Whenever you have to replace the TCC solenoid, you would have to disconnect this electrical pass-through connector, since this is the harness for that solenoid.

Because of the age of your car and the fact this connector is plastic, sometimes when you disconnect the electrical pass-through connector, there is a strong possibility the internal tabs, which secure it in place, will break off.

The O-ring that seats on this pass-through connector may be leaking due to the age of the connector and the heat from the transmission. This connector has the O-ring on it.

NOTE - If you ever replace the TCC solenoid, our Part #7208, you will also need this connector to avoid any issues.

Another good restoration item to have on hand, since it’s not readily available at an auto parts store.

7486 - 1984-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Electrical Solenoid Pass-through Connector with O-ring for 200-4R Transmission - $14.95

Here is a link to this connector on our website:


We also now offer the reproduction Goodyear Eagle GT tires. These have been reproduced in the correct size P215/65-R15. Made in the U.S.A. I think I will start looking to can 1987 air and offer it. It's amazing how many parts related to our cars have been reproduced over the last several years. Here is complete information.

1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Reproduction P215/65-R15 GOODYEAR EAGLE GT TIRES (4) SET

This is the tire that was original equipment from GM for all 1986-1987 Turbo Regals and other performance GM G-body cars during those years. There is only one company that has had these remade.

The tires are made in the U.S.A. in the original Goodyear plant.

Better materials are used today. However, the ride is the same as it was back when these tires were offered in 1986 and 1987. Construction is 2 polyester plies, 2 steel belts, and 1 nylon overlay. New molds are used for these and are in current production.

These do have the outer white letters on the one side, so you can mount them either way.
Now if you want your car to remain original looking, you don’t have to try and hunt down original 25+-year-old tires and risk riding on them.

Shipping is calculated on the weight of the tires - about 25 lbs each and 100 lbs for the set. Tires are dropped shipped for us directly from our supplier in Missouri.

We offer the tires as a set of 4, Part #7488, or you can purchase a single tire, Part #7487. Keep in mind, the original spares were smaller, and these are the full size tires.


Because of limitations with the web site, you MUST call our office to order this item. We will be able to process your order with the proper UPS shipping.

Another great restoration item.

7487 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Reproduction P215/65-R15 GOODYEAR EAGLE GT TIRE - $340
(in case you want a full-size spare)

7488 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Reproduction P215/65-R15 GOODYEAR EAGLE GT TIRES (4) SET - $1360 / set

Here is a link to these tires on our website:


KIRBAN PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS SPRING OPEN HOUSE - Plumsteadville, PA - Saturday, April 13th, 2013 -

Our Spring Open House is Saturday, April 13th, 2013 - 9 am until 3 pm - Rain or Shine Kirban Performance Products, 6201 Kellers Church Road, Plumsteadville, PA 18949

Besides the usual Yum Yum donuts, Kirban humor, used parts, special prices, and M&M contest, we will have a "No Reserve" auction.

As a special treat, our local Buick owners and baker, Russ and Nancy, will be cooking up hot dogs, hamburgers and who knows what else. Many of you have enjoyed their tasty baked treats at our events and they have agreed to expand their delights by cooking up lunch!

So, if you have never attended any of our past Open House events, this is the one to attend. Bring your appetite.

FREE Yum Yum Donuts & Coffee (while supplies last)

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Ribs, Sweet Potato Fries, Macaroni 'n Cheese & Goodies - Homemade by Russ and Nancy.

Our newest products will be on display and available for sale.

Be sure to bring any parts you want to trade.

Save 5% on in-stock catalog items - Save shipping on purchases
If you’re planning to come and purchase specific items, call at least one week in advance and have our staff hold them aside for you to be sure we will have what you need that day.



Dennis Kirban and Pete Hoffman will have used parts for sale. It's a great opportunity to find some of those hard-to-find restoration items.


Terry Shaw, AUTO LEGAL SERVICES - Appraisal Information

MINI REPLICA CARS - “Norman and his Toys” Mini Motorized Replicars on Display.
Bring your Camera!

ZDDPlus™ will be on Sale - Just $7 per bottle when you buy 2 or more!

GENERAL DIRECTIONS - From Willow Grove... North on Route 611, through Warrington, Doylestown and into Plumsteadville (you can take the Rt 611 Bypass that goes around Doylestown - it exits back onto Rt. 611 north of Doylestown). Watch for a shopping center with a McDonald’s on your right. Go past that light at Stump Road and the Plumsteadville Inn. Make your FIRST left at the Shelly Funeral Home onto Kellers Church Road. Ours is the second office complex a short distance down on the right. Our unit is at the back far corner. There’s plenty of parking, since most of the other companies are closed on the weekends.

NOTE - If you are using MapQuest, you may have to use “Pipersville 18947” as the city.

Remember, it happens rain or shine.

BUICK RACE DAY - NORWALK, OHIO - April 26th, thru 28th, 2013 -

The 26th will be at the Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio. The 27th will be an All Buick Show at Arbys in Norwalk, Ohio. Racing will be the 28th at Summit Motorsports Park.

For more info, email - or call Roberta Vasilow at 810-655-8277, 7 pm til 10 pm only.

Here is a link for their flyer in this event also pre-entry form -

AND the pre-entry form -

3rd ANNUAL "RIDE ON MOLLY" - Saturday, April 27, 2013 -
Central Coast area of California

Hello friends of Molly. Plans are underway for the 3rd Annual "Ride on Molly" Ride. This year's ride will incorporate a new location with outstanding new riding roads, while keeping the focus on remembering Molly and bringing his friends together for a weekend of fun. Additionally, the Molly Memorial Education Fund continues to provide his daughter Brooke with financial assistance for her future college needs. The Ride on Molly Committee. For more information, contact Alan -

BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA - MAY 1st through May 4th, 2013 -

On the 1st and 2nd it will be held at Richard Clark's shop on Faucette Lane in Burlington, NC.

On the 3rd and 4th it will be at the Piedmont Dragway.

Unlike previous events, this event is also open to all G-body cars, including the Monte Carlos, Oldsmobile Cutlasses, and Pontiac Grand Prix. This event is sponsored by

We will be at this event, as usual.

Here is the link to details on our website:

Here is the 2013 Nationals website for the most up-to-date information -

4TH ANNUAL BUICK RACE DAY - Saturday, May 25, 2013
Lebanon Valley Dragway, Lebanon, NY - Gates open at 8 am

Participants in all Buick classes must be Buick powered. Sponsored by the GS Northeast GS/GN Club, Inc. For more information, call 518-794-7130 or call 845-528-GSGN (Ask for John.)

GM AT CARLISLE - June 21st thru 23rd, 2013 -
Carlisle Fairgrounds, Carlisle, PA

GM at Carlisle is held at the Carlisle Fairgrounds, celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Turbo Regal.

I have signed on to conduct two seminars on Saturday, June 22nd. One seminar will be on Turbo Regals and the second one will be on Hurst. So, mark your calendar.

Carlisle, as many of you know, puts on some of the largest car shows and swap meets in the USA and has done so for over 25 years. It is centrally located in Pennsylvania, just west of Harrisburg, PA and minutes off the PA Turnpike and Route 81.

Check out their website for more details.

BUICK PERFORMANCE GROUP BLOCK PARTY - Hebron, Ohio - August 2nd & 3rd, 2013 -

The 2013 BPG Event will be at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio, Friday, August 2nd and Saturday August 3rd.

The Host Hotel will be the Newark Metropolitan. For reservations, call the hotel direct - 740-322-6455. Use the code " BUICK 2013" to get special price when booking online.

There will be a Cruise In Thursday and Friday night. The city is blocking off the street in front of Hotel for the Cruise In. There will also be a live band in the parking lot Friday night.

For more information visit their website:
or contact Sean Ryder at

EAST COAST BUICK REGIONALS - Cecil County Dragway, MD - September 20th & 21st, 2013 -

The East Coast Buick Regionals are held at Cecil County Dragway, Maryland. Saturday, the 21st, features a judged car show for all Buick-powered cars.

For more info, contact Doug Doughtery at 302-653-2201 or email -, John Csordas 914-447-6068 or email -

The website is -


If you have any product ideas that would fit our Turbo Buick market that you would like to see available, email me direct -


Got any turbo parts you are not using? Why not cash them in for parts you need with a Letter of Credit. Simply email me a list -

Also, we are still buying dead or partially dead 1984-1987 Turbo Regals under $4,000 that are within 250 to 350 miles of our location.

NOTE ABOUT PHOTOS ON THE WEBSITE - We have heard from a couple people that have viewed the photos on the website. Because these have to be low-resolution photos to work on the Inner Circle segments on the website, any photos of text don't appear clear when enlarged. This is a problem when you are trying to see numbers, such as those on the VIN labels or pages from Options booklet. Also, because of photo reproduction and computer screen variations, the colors may not be true to the actual product or photo.

If you would like to have us email you any photo at the higher resolution for viewing, just email us and we will email them to you. Be sure to be specific on which pictures you want to see - Reference Inner Circle date and photo number 1, 2, 3 or 4 -


Any inquiries concerning used parts, you must email me direct - - I will answer you. However, if I fail to answer you within 24 hours, please email us again. Since expanding into used parts, I get a lot of emails and sometimes I may forget your request or may not remember who requested the item.


Do you own a 1997-2002 Pontiac Grand Prix? Or similar W-body car? If so we have several parts for these cars. Email me and I can provide you with a list -

Be sure to circle April 13th on your calendar, for our annual Kirban Spring Open House. Event has no rain date. Two weeks to go!

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