02-11-2015 Inner Circle

Greetings Turbo Regal Inner Circle Members 02-11-2015


As you read this issue, we may have a few GM AC Delco Heater Water Valves left for sale.

I have a December 1987 Buick Dealer Price and Accessory Price Schedule in my collection. I looked up what a GM AC Delco Heater Water Valve cost in 1987. The list price for the heater water valve was $19.15. Trade price was $14.36 and Dealer Cost was $11.49. If I understand the code system correctly, this heater water valve is unique to our cars. Meaning it was not shared with any other GM car models in the GM line up.

It stands to reason as time marches on anything that is unique for the 1984-1987 Turbo Regals is going to be hard to find unless it’s been reproduced. It’s unlikely this metal-style heater water valve would be reproduced simply because so many aftermarket versions can do the same thing. Again these are just my thoughts.

Although we always marketed this heater water valve for the 1986-1987 Turbo Regals, according to my book it is also the correct heater water valve for the 1984-1985 Turbo Regals. Obviously this heater water valve would be in a different position in the 1984-1985 Turbo Regals, since the intakes and heater hoses were different.

PHOTO 1 - The photo to the left shows this unique metal valve. It may not be visible but our red arrow shows where it has a painted blue arrow on the one tube to indicate which direction it gets mounted in the heater hoses. The photo to the right shows the heater water valve on our personal Turbo-T. I have seen several examples at car shows where owners have mounted this valve in upside down.


This company I came in contact with currently does a wide variety of custom LED panels for another car market. He will be making a variety of LED items for our company.

The first one he has in the works is the LED panel for the third brake light, our part #7660. He is using the upgraded SuperFlux LEDs. The new third brake light will use a total of 45 LEDs across three rows. He packs the circuitry into the base of a factory 1156 bulb, so no wires get cut in your car, nor does anything have to be modified to your third brake light housing.

Each one is full tested assembled in the USA and has a Limited Lifetime Warranty. See the new products section in this issue for more information. Your third brake light uses a #1156 bulb. In a matter of two minutes, that bulb can reach over 200 degrees. It also draws a lot of amps. LEDs stay cool and draw a very small amount of amperage. You also get a brighter light that has a very distinctive pattern.

PHOTO 2 - The photo on the left shows a burnt-out third brake light housing. In some severe cases, the heat will actually warp the third brake light housing. The photo on the right shows a perfect, good, used third brake light housing.

PHOTO 3 - The photo on the top left shows the new LED panel with 45 LEDs installed. The photo on the top right shows the LED panel secured in the third brake light housing. You can see the three rows of SuperFlux LED lights. The photo on the lower right shows the assembled third brake light with the LEDs turned on.

Our initial order of LED Panels is scheduled to arrive next week. You can see complete information about this new LED panel, part #7660, in our New Products section, along with a link to it on our website.

The next project we hope to have will be for the various interior lights, including ones for the T-Tops inside rear pillar housing in the LED format.


The OLD CARS REPORT PRICE GUIDE magazine is published six times a year by Krause Publications, a division of F+W Media.

Unfortunately, in these bi-monthly Price Guides they only cover cars up through the model year 1983. However, once a year they publish a complete Collector Car Price Guide that covers all vehicles up to and including the 2004 models. As you can imagine, this book has 760 pages. Even the Yugo has a 3-year history in this book!

PHOTO 4 - The photo to the left shows the bi-monthly publication, 2015 Old Cars Report Price Guide. The photo on the right shows a copy of the annual 2012 Collector Car Price Guide. Although it is from 2012, it’s the latest one I currently have. We will have more information on this Collector Car Price Guide next week.


Supercharged or turbocharged, Volvo has a solution. Volvo’s model S60 T6 Drive-E has a 2 litre engine backed up by an 8-speed automatic transmission.

Besides having great fuel economy - 24 mpg in the city and 35 mpg on the highway - this little 2 litre engine pumps out 302 horsepower. What makes this remarkable is the engine is both supercharged and turbocharged! The supercharger eliminates the lag because the boost kicks in almost instantly. You don’t have to wait for the engine to build up enough exhaust pressure to spin the turbo fan fast enough. Times of 0-60 can be done in a mere 5.5 seconds.


Raymond Carr may not be a name you recognize but he does hold two Guinness World Records related to the automotive field.

According to the article I read, he drove the oldest car - a gasoline-powered 1902 Northern - across the country.

His second notable feat was he drove the only vintage electric car - a 1912 Baker Electric - from coast to coast.

Another feat he did was he drove a 1909 steam-powered car from Alaska to Bar Harbor, Maine, making him the only individual to drive a gasoline, an electric, and a steam-powered vehicle across the country. I don’t know what year(s) he made these notable accomplishments or how long each trip took. I can’t imagine any of these vehicles had much of a top speed!


Perhaps some of you may have lost either of your parents or maybe both. I lost both my parents. My Dad first in April of 2010 and my Mom in January 2012. Like many of you that have suffered a loss like this, you have certain memories that come to mind from time to time that remind you of either your Mom or Dad or both.

My Mom always loved the color purple. I think of her whenever I see a purple-looking car. My Dad would always tell us kids and grandkids the story of the dime.

The “Dime Story” relates to when my Dad (at age 7) and his brother Lafayette were sent to Girard College to live, since his Mother could not afford to keep them during the depression. Girard College was a home for fatherless boys. Founded by Stephen Girard, it still remains in operation today in Philadelphia.

On special occasions his Mom would send my Dad and his brother Lafayette a dime to spend in Philadelphia. In those days a dime had some buying power.

When he would tell us this story, it was hard for us kids and the grandkids to imagine being that poor and to have a dime mean so much.

Every so often I will find a dime in a parking lot and, of course, I think of my Dad. Recently I been going to various junkyards and removing center consoles from trucks that I sell on ebay. Almost without fail, I find a dime or two that has fallen into the side of the console or on the floor under the console. I put them in my coat pocket until I return home.

At our house we have a small shrubbery bed around the front of our pole building. We have designated one area as a memorial garden for my parents. A few years ago Eileen bought a purple rose bush that I planted as a memorial to my Mom. For my Dad, we had a pinecone marking the spot until about a year ago. That is when I decided to put every dime I find by his memorial spot. It’s just my way of remembering my parents.


We currently need 1986-1987 Turbo Regal steering wheels for cores. The spokes can't be bent or rusted.

We need cores to get steering wheels redone for customers. We allow $75 Letter of Credit on each core. Email me direct - [email protected] - so I am aware that you will be sending one.

Please help us help other owners.


We currently have stock on our popular Multi-Function Jump Starter, Part #7629. It is one of the most powerful ones on the market, putting out 250 cranking amps and 500 peak amps for less than $100. It is this larger module that has very few limitations on what it can do.

Here is a link to these Multi-Function Jump Starter parts on our website:


The company is starting to get inquiries on their products, which they forward to us since we are their U.S. distributor. We already have several automotive mail order companies going to start carrying this unit.

Now that we are the only supplier for the Multi-Function Jump Starter for this company is the U.S.A., we want to line up more distributors.

We are looking for distributors for this product. We currently have two price breaks - 5-9 units or 10 or more.

The product is very easy to sell and not limited to any specific car or truck owner. For pricing and more details, email me personally - [email protected]


If you have any ideas for usage of small batteries, we welcome your suggestions. Who knows, your idea may prove to be a winner for everyone.


Once again we need stock used 1986-1987 Turbo Regal turbo cores. Currently we will issue a $100 Letter of Credit for any you send us. The turbo doesn’t need to be good, but must be complete with exhaust housing.

Email me first - [email protected] for shipping details. This helps us help others keep their cars on the road.


From time to time, whenever we spot an unusual or an exceptional car or truck for sale, or one we have for sale, we will put a blurb in our weekly Inner Circle. Also any cars that our customers have for sale will be featured here and you can see their car with photos on our website as well. In this category we will run the descriptions for two to three weeks and, if there is no interest in that particular vehicle, it will be deleted the following week. Any new vehicles that we add will appear first, so the oldest listing would be at the end of this section.

If any of these vehicles perk your interest, email me personally - [email protected] - for more information and photos.

No vehicles for sale at this time.


If you have a tip or a discovery that you found that works on your Turbo Regal, drop us an email giving us the details so we can pass the info on to our readers. Remember, even with my knowledge, I don’t know it all. Simply email me at - [email protected]


As you read this, we have several of the OEM-style complete 1986-1987 Turbo Regal engine harnesses coming from Caspers Electronics.

Caspers Electronics is well known in the Turbo Buick field, as they have made many of the different harnesses for various products and also does work for GM. It’s been several years since Caspers has made them.

These have a 60-day Warranty and each one is electronically tested Watch for more information in next week’s Inner Circle.


We are happy to report since our supply of the Grand National emblems and Intercooled emblems is almost depleted, we are lowering the price on them.

These are original brand new factory GM emblems. You must buy them in sets as indicated below. Once our current supply is exhausted, we have no more.

Part #6557 - GM “GRAND NATIONAL” Emblems (3) Set - Price is now just $179.95.

Part #6843 - 1986-1987 Grand National - GM “INTERCOOLED” Fender Emblems (2) Set - Price is now just $59.95.

Here is a link to these emblems on our website:


We were able to get a better deal with our supplier for the 1986-1987 Turbo Regal - Replacement Oil Coolant Lines (2) and O-rings (2), Part #7206. Our new price is $99.95 for the set

Here is a link to these lines on our website:


1986-1988 G-Body All Models (including Buick Turbo Regal) -

Many cars produced today have the LED format for their various lights.

LED lighting offers several benefits. Besides projecting a brighter and wider light, LEDs draw a lot less amperage and hardly generates any heat compared to the glass-style bulbs.

The stock bulb in the third brake light is a #1156 bulb. If that bulb were to stay on for two minutes, it would reach over 200 degrees. This can burn the socket housing and, in severe cases, distort the top of the brake light housing. In contrast, the LED panel would only reach 130 degrees after TWO HOURS.

We now offer a LED panel for the original third brake light used in all the 1986-1988 G-Body cars. Each panel is custom built and assembled in the U.S.A. and has a Limited Lifetime Warranty.

This custom-made panel contains three rows of fifteen each for a total of 45 of the SuperFlux LEDs. The SuperFlux LEDs are a brighter LED over some of the other available LEDs. Each panel is coated on the back to seal and protect the circuits from any moisture or unintended shorts by tools or careless installation. Each panel is then tested before delivery. Each LED panel has integrated voltage regulating circuitry built into the base of the socket for space saving. This limits the amount of voltage going to the LED panel. This helps insure that the LED panel will last anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 hours.

The LED panel is powered up through the factory socket. No wires get cut and no modifications are needed to the third brake light housing in your car.

LED Panel comes with easy-to-follow directions.

An excellent upgrade to improve the lighting in the third brake light.

7660 -1986-1988 G-Body All Models (including Buick Turbo Regal) -
Third Brake Light LED Panel - $49.95

Here is a link to this LED panel on our website:

1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

This brand new coil pack is one of the few in the aftermarket that closely resembles the original coil pack that came on these cars in 1986 and 1987. This aftermarket coil pack is about 1/4" inch taller than the original. We include 6 new longer screws and a gasket with each kit.

Many of the aftermarket coil packs do not have the 3 formed blocks, but rather one solid top piece. This one has 3 formed blocks, similar to the original coil pack.

According to our Buick mechanic, if your car suffers any type of engine miss for one hour or more, it can permanently damage the coil pack. This could cause lower resistance in the amount of spark to the plugs. Coil packs suffer from corrosion on the terminals, which can cause problems as well.

We buy these coil packs and ignition modules (Part #7639) from the same manufacturer.

We had Richard Clark test several of these for us, and he highly recommends this unit.

Each coil pack comes with all new hardware (as shown) and a new reproduction gasket. It has a One-year Warranty.

This is another item you should keep on hand.

Another great engine restoration item.

NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #7639 - Aftermarket Ignition Module, #1531 Custom-Cut, High-Performance Grey Plug Wire Set, and #6803 - GM Spark Plug Wire Holders (5) Set

7637 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Aftermarket Coil Pack, Gasket, and 6 New Screws - $59.95

Here is a link to this Coil Pack on our website:

1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

We stock a reproduction coil pack gasket.

If you replace either the coil pack or the coil module, the original gasket will probably not be any good.

If you buy any of the various coil modules, you will find some do not come with a new gasket.

This reproduction coil pack gasket is exact and has the adhesive on the bottom, like the original gasket.

Another great engine restoration item.

NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #7637 Aftermarket Coil Pack, Gasket, and 6 New Screws, #7639 Aftermarket Ignition Module, #1531 Custom-Cut, High-Performance Grey Plug Wire Set, and #6803 GM Spark Plug Wire Holders (5) Set

7638 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Reproduction Coil Pack Gasket - $9.95

Here is a link to this Coil Pack Gasket on our website:

1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

We stock the ignition module, which is subject to failure on your Turbo Regal.

The ignition module bolts under the coil pack (see our Part #7637.)

This brand new module comes from the same manufacturer/supplier that we buy the coil packs. It also has a One-year Warranty.

Richard Clark has tested several of these for us and says these work perfectly in our cars. He also said, in many cases, the Casper’s tester for the ignition module will not work because the Casper's tester generates only a crank signal. This ignition module requires a crank and cam sensor signal to operate, therefore Casper’s tester will not work. This is also true with many of the aftermarket ignition modules.

The first photo shows the bottom of this ignition module, and second photo shows the top.

Another great engine restoration item.

NOTE - You may also be interested in these related parts - #7637 - Aftermarket Coil Pack, Gasket, and 6 New Screws, #1531 Custom-Cut, High-Performance Grey Plug Wire Set, and #6803 - GM Spark Plug Wire Holders (5) Set

7639 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Aftermarket Ignition Module - $99.95

Here is a link to this Ignition Module on our website:

1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

Since GM discontinued their original heater water valve, we now offer this black plastic aftermarket heater water valve.

Although it looks different, it will work.

It’s a good idea to replace this heater water valve to avoid leakage problems.

Another great under-the-hood restoration item.

7648 - 1986-1987 Buick Turbo Regal -
Aftermarket Heater Water Valve - $19.95

Here is a link to this Heater Water Valve on our website:

1986 and 1987 Buick Turbo Regal -

These are the factory cruise control units, which have been rebuilt. No core is required.

The smaller one is the correct one for the 1987 Turbo Regals, part #7647. The larger one is correct for the 1986 Turbo Regals, part #7646.

These have a One-year Warranty.

Ideal to replace if the diaphragm is damaged.

Great engine restoration items.

7646 - 1986 Buick Turbo Regal - Rebuilt Cruise Control Servo - $79.95
7647 - 1987 Buick Turbo Regal - Rebuilt Cruise Control Servo - $79.95

Here is a link to these Servos on our website:


If you have any product ideas that would fit our Turbo Buick market that you would like to see available, email me direct - [email protected]


Got any Turbo Buick parts you are not using? Why not cash them in for parts you need with a Letter of Credit. Simply email me a list - [email protected]. Also, we are still buying dead or partially dead 1984-1987 Turbo Regals under $4,000 that are within 250 to 350 miles of our location.


We have heard from a couple people that have had problems with the links in our Inner Circle.

When we check the links, they work fine. However, if you are not able to be directed to the exact website page or internet site, you can "copy" and "paste" the link into the URL in your browser (such as Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc.) If it doesn't link in one browser, it may work in another.

Most people having problems are using Internet Explorer… If you are having issues with links, try another browser to see if it works.

You may need to "UPDATE" your browser to be use you are using the current version.


We have heard from a couple people that have viewed the photos on the website. Because these have to be low-resolution photos to work on the Inner Circle segments on the website, any photos of text don't appear clear when enlarged. This is a problem when you are trying to see numbers, such as those on the VIN labels or pages from Options booklet. Also, because of photo reproduction and computer screen variations, the colors may not be true to the actual product or photo.

If you would like to have us email you any photo at the higher resolution for viewing, just email us and we will email them to you. Be sure to be specific on which pictures you want to see - Reference Inner Circle date and photo number 1, 2, 3 or 4 - [email protected]


Any inquiries concerning used parts, you must email me direct - [email protected] - I will answer you. However, if I fail to answer you within 24 hours, please email us again. Since expanding into used parts, I get a lot of emails and sometimes I may forget your request or may not remember who requested the item.


We should have the date for our Spring Open House in next week’s Inner Circle.

Remember, we urgently need 1986-1987 Turbo Regal turbo cores for $100 Letter of Credit, and original 1986-1987 Turbo Regal steering wheel cores $75 Letter of Credit. This helps us help others restore their cars.

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